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Aquí puede encontrar las noticias y artículos más actuales sobre el banco de alimentos. Oprima en los links para leer sobre un tema específico.

10 Mar

Texas Gas Service Teams Up with Food Bank for Mobile Pantry & $30,000
by Brianna Hernandez

Texas Gas Service employees distributed food to school families through a mobile pantry at Bel Air High School on Friday, March 10 at 9 a.m. In addition, Texas Gas Service presented a $30...

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01 Sep

September is Hunger Action Month
by Staff

A nationwide network of food banks will observe Hunger Action Month in September. This initiative is designed to mobilize the public to take action on the issue of hunger and join the movemen...

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24 Aug

Challenge Grants Help Support School Pantries
by Staff

Thanks to the generosity of two generous foundations, EPFH may receive a boost for school pantry programs. The Paso del Norte Foundation will award EPFH $7,500, provided EPFH raises an add...

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11 Jul

Walmart Foundation Truck Dedication
by Staff

El Pasoans Fighting Hunger (EPFH) Food Bank will now reach more adults and children in need, thanks to a generous grant awarded through the Walmart Foundation. As a result of this grant, the ...

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10 Jun

Hunger Doesn't Take a Summer Vacation
by Staff

The Hospitals of Providence led a community effort to provide children in our community who are struggling with hunger with a healthy breakfast during the summer. The Healthy Over...

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07 Jun

KTSM Newschannel 9 Sets the Bar
by Staff

In celebration of their 20th Anniversary, the KTSM Newschannel 9 launched their inaugural “Nexstar Founder’s Day of Caring” in which employees spent time giving back to the community. This ye...

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El Pasoans Fighting Hunger Food Bank