A Note from our CEO

A Note from our CEO

Dear Caring Friends,

At EPFH, we are on a mission to combat hunger in our community. We believe all people deserve to have healthy foods on their tables. Currently, 171,000 El Pasoans rely on the food bank, which is 1 in 5 people in our community. The University of Texas El Paso recently published a study on Food Insecurity and when it comes to hunger, 35% of our population, which is more than double the national estimates for our community, face food insecurity. This staggering information has prompted us to continue to grow our programs and food distributions to reach even more food insecure people in our three-county service area.

It’s not just a meal, it’s a serving of hope. When you support the food bank you are making an impact on our entire community and helping us to continue our mission of making sure that no one goes hungry. Through donations, advocacy, and volunteering, El Pasoans Fighting Hunger is able to help the most vulnerable people in our community from children, to seniors, veterans, and working-class families have access to healthy food.

Thank you for helping us end hunger in the borderland.


susan goodell

Susan E. Goodell

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El Pasoans Fighting Hunger Food Bank